‘the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light of meaning in the darkness of mere being’
C.G. Jung
In our increasingly secular society some of us find ourselves searching for a sense of faith outside of mainstream religion. We may long for connection, or a sense of belonging to something beyond. We may seek a sense of deeper meaning and inner peace. We may look at every day life and ask surely there is more.
We live in a culture which privileges happiness and success, yet which leaves many of us feeling deprived and unfulfilled. We can become out of step with ourselves and our sense of what we need or desire.
How I Work with You
I hold a deep, personal curiosity about the mysteries of what it is to be human, and believe it is the human struggle which keeps us distanced from our personal meaning making. Therapy can free energy, which has long been consumed in containing your symptoms of distress. This can facilitate an internal shift towards, and connection to, your innate capacity to heal, and a deeper connection to your ‘true self’, your soul, your life force.
I support you in trusting your ‘gut’ and inner knowing. I believe that this helps you find a place, within yourself, to rest. This can help you arrive at a different understanding of joy and pleasure. It can also facilitate a shift to a less goal orientated way of being in a settling into living in the moment. In this coming home to yourself there is potential to connect to a sense of awakening, and spiritual growth.